The LCR Combined Authority declared a Climate Emergency in June 2019 and set a goal for our city region to become carbon neutral ten years ahead of the UK target. The LCR Chambers of Commerce applaud the CA in setting this ambitions goal and we support the vision of a globally competitive, environmentally responsible and socially inclusive city region.
However, the challenge of becoming a zero-carbon city region by 2040 is not an easy one. It involves substantial changes to how we generate and consume energy, and to our infrastructure and transport networks. The benefits will of course be far reaching for everyone who lives and works in the city region and for generations to come, and whilst fully behind the 2040 vision, the LCR Chambers of Commerce want to ensure the transition for businesses is fair and just.
Businesses across the LCR, of all sizes, are committed to playing a vital role in tackling climate change and delivering a low-carbon economy and many have made major strides in this direction already.
In order to achieve our zero carbon goal the LCR Chambers of Commerce believe that a mix of individual and collective action from both the private sector and public sector will be required, particularly over the next decade.
Many businesses will need to invest in new, low-carbon technologies, practices, and solutions, while also looking more closely at the activities of their supply chains. The LCR Chambers of Commerce recognise that some smaller businesses will need support to ensure they are able to assess and reduce their own carbon footprint.
We recognise that many businesses across the Liverpool City Region are already looking at their carbon footprint and what they can do to reduce it. However, for some industries, this presents a far greater challenge than others and we are committed to supporting business across all sectors in their ambitions to reducing their impact on the environment and in the drive to zero carbon emissions by 2040.